Moving Avatar

EDIT: Moving Avatar’s progress has progressed and we’re now accepting BETA entry requests. Apply here!

Hi guys,
I just made a new gadget for Twitch/Youtube streamers… I would like to ask for your feedback.

It adds a fun avatar that transcribes everything that is said by the streamer into text.
The idea is to provide users who are unable to listen to streams a way to know what the streamer is saying.
This might be useful for people watching streams at work or those with hearing disabilities.

Sorry for the over 9000 awkwardness…

Future updates will add new and/or customizable avatars.

This will likely be free for everyone, but I would like to make the best app I can before making it public.

Sorry for the super awkward video, I was paying attention to too many things at once!!!

You might also notice that I do have a Portuguese accent and that transcription isn’t perfect in this early version.

If you’re interested in this project, follow on Twitter or Twitch for updates! /
If you know someone who is hearing-impaired please share. Their feedback would be most valuable!

Please give me your feedback in the comments section below!
Let me hear your thoughts on this!


3 thoughts on “Moving Avatar”

  1. i wasnt sold on the vtuber thing until i saw this. the transcribing functionality looks very useful. considering my twitch icon is pixel art, i might eventually incorporate a tool like this into my streams if i could fully customize the avatar

    1. Heey thanks for your feedback! Glad that this project is triggering some interest.
      I was just working on custom avatars yesterday, but there’s some stuff I need to get out of the way before publishing an early version for testing. I’ll send you a beta version for testing as soon as I have one!
      Thanks for dropping by!

    2. Hi Splig, sorry for the delay – had some personal stuff getting in the way the last few months – I would just like to inform you that we’re now accepting beta registrations at
      Might take a couple more weeks for a release version, but beta registration has just started. Thanks for your interest!

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