Cavefish – Dev diary 0

I was having a hard time sleeping when I had a fun idea for a game. Not only this would be interesting to explore, as it would also allow me to flex my game design muscles and learn some Unity in the process.

I’ve been working on this project for a few days now. It revolves around the idea of being a communications spy during a Cold War-era fantasy theme. There are a bunch of nations in conflict, spying, bribery, extorsion and plenty of choices to make.

Inspired by Papers, Please by Lucas Pope, I decided to go for a progressive story game style that becomes more and more complex and sad as time goes by. I’m also hoping to build a multi-linear narrative and a campaign where you play several sides at the same time. I know it might sound confusing at first, but I’m confident that this will be a very unique game but easy enough to learn.

The game will take place over 30 in-game days. I have finished 1/3 of the major plotlines. I’ve also managed to implement a decent version of a zoomable map that the player will be able to use to navigate through.

As for my other projects, namely Indigo, I felt I needed to explore Unity with a simpler game – and this is it.

I’ll keep you posted!

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