Dev Diary 0 – Project Indigo

Sorry for calling it Indigo for now. I haven’t yet settled on a final name for this new game I’m developing. To be perfectly honest, I decided invest my time in other things that are more important to the final game.

So a few weeks ago, I decided to develop a new game, based on the concepts I delved into for my Master’s thesis. I want to build a game that focuses mostly on player-to-player dynamics. It will be sort of a dungeon-crawler, where players must figure out the best way to achieve their objectives. Players will experience danger, mystery, betrayal, and fun.

Game and level design are rather simple and akin to Darkest Dungeon. Players move through several rooms trying to figure out a mystery. However, players are guided by mysterious forces that force them to fight amongst themselves. I won’t be going into too much detail right now, as that isn’t the purpose of this post, but I promise I’ll explain everything in the upcoming dev blogs (make sure to subscribe to this blog to stay updated!).

So I’ve invested hundreds of hours into making a prototype in Construct 3. The reason why I call it a prototype and why I haven’t proceeded any further, was because I’ve hit a blockage in my game development cycle. Construct 3 does not allow for voice chat in a game, nor does it support any addons that do. This was critical and it made me give up on that engine. Since then I’ve resumed my studies on Unity again. I intend to finish them as soon as possible to resume development for the game.

I also found that I was lacking the ability to develop decent and engaging graphics. So, as a lone developer, besides starting to learn Unity, I also started training my own drawing and painting abilities.
I had already developed some characters in my Construct 3 prototype, but I decided to move forward and learn new techniques.

So I went ahead and started drawing this character. She is a Clairevoyant who’s most valuable ability is to predict upcoming dangerous situations with her crystal ball.


Alright… I think that’s it for my first post.
Thanks for coming by – make sure to subscribe for more updates on this!


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